10LST102.ZIP 19,863 07-29-95 10 Last Callers version 1.02 Creates a last10 caller bulletin for Lora OS/2 versiononly. -=- ShareWare: Only $7
ANNOUNCE.ZIP 5,314 05-08-95 REXX script to create file announcementsusing MaxFile/PM. Heavily commented. Modifybefore using! Ver. 1.4 - cleaned up the codeand a lot faster! Now formats the descriptionof new files and sorts each file area. Also
CALLERS.ZIP 2,605 05-08-95 REXX utility to count day's callers. v1.0
CRCOK157.ZIP 25,429 06-27-95 CRC_OK 1.57 (c) Peter Hampf & PBS -Validation & correction of TIC-files, handlesCRC, size, renamed original files, UNIX-date... very fast! - v1.57 adds the capability ofadding Crc lines if they are missing. -
CRONTEST.ZIP 1,793 05-08-95 Test if Lora is running. If not Launch.
DOORS.ZIP 2,031 06-25-95 How to set up Door's with LoraBBS withoutusing L2World
DOORTRAK.ZIP 3,577 05-08-95 Track door usage from Lora's log. Also tracksfax calls, new callers, System Calls andEchomail messages received. Version 1.42 Runduring the day to track usage. Writes nofiles.
EOM.ZIP 3,265 05-08-95 Compiles End of Month Message stats based onLora's logfile. This one really needs LOG.CMDto work properly. Ver. 1.0
FM2_025B.ZIP 124,293 09-21-95 File Master/2 version 0.25Public Beta release of the new FILES.BBSmanager for LoraBBS - OS/2 version only!File Master/2 features: - Copy/Move command -Internal description editor - Extraction of
FREQ.ZIP 1,679 06-23-95 File Describing my setup to allow filerequests in LoraBBS/2 2.40b4.
INET.ZIP 2,476 05-08-95 REXX program to move Internet Mail from theNetmail directory to the Internet directory.Skips mail addressed to me.
LHEAD110.ZIP 27,931 06-09-95 Lora Header version 1.10 Beautifies yourFILES.BBS with a nice header on top of it.You can create a header in your own style,using a lot of options. -=> Mayor bug-fix onversion 1.00 <=- OS/2 version only. -=-
LLIST116.ZIP 372,582 08-16-95 L-List 1.16 (DOS & OS2) by Alessandro Trebbi(2:332/901) L-List is a complete utility foryour file base: edit files.bbs, process TICfiles and much other. Direct support for LORAand MAX
LOD241B1.ZIP 539,993 09-03-95 LoraBBS v2.40 DOS - Mailer, BBS and MailProcessor. The most advanced Mailer, BBS andMail Processor ever seen. It featuresmultiple message bases (Hudson, Fido *.MSG,Squish and Pip-base), EMSI, IEMSI, Janus
LOS241B1.ZIP 804,579 09-03-95 LoraBBS v2.40 OS/2 - Mailer, BBS and MailProcessor. The most advanced Mailer, BBS andMail Processor ever seen. It featuresmultiple message bases (Hudson, Fido *.MSG,Squish and Pip-base), EMSI, IEMSI, Janus
LTOP102.ZIP 19,332 09-18-95 Lora Top 10 for OS/2 version 1.02 Creates abulletin containing a top 10 list of the bestcallers, the best downloaders and the bestuploaders. Registration fee only one postcard
MASSAGE.ZIP 2,024 05-19-95 REXX cmd file to create a MSGINF temp file soIceEdit will display To, From and Subj fieldsWill need to be modified for multinode usage.
MSGCNT.ZIP 3,008 05-08-95 Program to count messages received (daily)based on Lora's logfile. Ver. 1.0 Could usestand alone or integrate with LOG.CMD.
ROUTE.ZIP 1,285 05-16-95 Sample ROUT.CFG file for LoraBBS v2.40